I am excited and enthusiastic to share that I am stepping up and running for Congress in California’s 31st District. I feel it is time to apply my wide body of knowledge and experience to the challenging issues at hand in our communities, district and State.

I have been involved in local and state politics since my early twenties and was elected to serve on the Maywood City Council from 1994 – 1999. 

I have served in numerous leadership positions and dedicated time and effort in promoting conservative principles in voter outreach and education, managing political campaigns, fundraising, events and on public policy matters. 

I am running on a Platform focused on Economics, Education/Parental Rights and Law Enforcement/Safety. The economic hardships of inflation and the rising costs of bread-and-butter items are negatively impacting everyone. Our children K- 12 deserve a better quality of education aimed at preparing them for a brighter future. Lastly, the lack of support and funding for our Law Enforcement and subsequent rising crime is intolerable 


Paid for by Elvira Moreno for Congress 2024 FEC 1727834

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